Saran saya kepada teman-teman silahkan langsung mencoba Hack The Game ini. bagi teman-teman yang awam dan masih bingung dengan command (cmd) atau perintah bagaimana bermain game ini bisa googling ato melihat cmd yang ada pada cmd prompt windows anda dengan mengetikan windows + R > type cmd > hit enter > type help.
1st mission
Download Game Mission Packs
-DON'T- forget to remove your telnet logfile from
the TelnetLogs folder. The file you should always
remove be4 you disconnect is:
Selamat Bermain.
-DON'T- forget to remove your telnet logfile from
the TelnetLogs folder. The file you should always
remove be4 you disconnect is:
Selamat Bermain.
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:) ♦ :( ♦ ;) ♦ :p ♦ =( ♦ ^_^ ♦ :D ♦ =D ♦ |o| ♦ @@ ♦ :-bd ♦ :-d ♦ :ngakak: ♦ :lol: ♦ :love: